How Single Parents Can Have It All

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Everyone likes to vent, and it is far more comfortable to vent at home. There’s a danger when the only person at home is a minor. Children do not need to stress about bills, custody agreements, or their parent’s job situation. In fact, they are not emotionally equipped to handle that kind of conversation. Find an adult confidant to vent to avoid burdening a child with information that they cannot process or do anything about.


Tell the Truth

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Children are very insightful, and they recognize differences. Eventually, they will want to know why their parent’s do not live together. Prepare for this question in advance, and give an answer that is honest yet age-appropriate. Be sure that the answer does not leave the child resenting the other parent.  If the mother is in jail, the single dad could say, “Mommy made a mistake, so she had to go away for a while. One day, we can welcome her back.”

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