How Single Parents Can Have It All

Keep a Social Life

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Single parents have more responsibility than the average adult, so they may not be able to attend every social engagement. Nevertheless, having some form of social life is mentally healthy for people of all ages. Make time to have refreshing outings with adults at least once a month. It could even be a group of single parents who take their children to the park. Adequate social time helps parents put their best foot forward for their children.


Do Not Punish Yourself


Single parents do not deserve the short end of the stick. Like any other parent, single parents deserve breaks. They deserve days off from work. They deserve to cry sometimes. They deserve happiness. Sometimes, due to guilt or a desire to overcompensate for their child’s lack of a parent, single parents will make choices that punish themselves. This is a flawed idea. If you work too much or become emotionally unavailable, your child suffers.

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