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On-the-Go Tech-Free Entertainment Ideas for Kids

As a mom of four, I often need ideas to keep my kids busy and entertained. I like to keep a “bag of tricks” filled with things that I’ve found to be kid-approved winners. I make sure to rotate the items in my bag often and always look for new things to add. Whether we are waiting for a sibling at practice, at an appointment, or out to eat, these are some of the ways I keep my kids off the technology, yet still entertained. So, here are On-the-Go Tech-Free Entertainment Ideas for Kids:


I always keep a few games in my bag and rotate them frequently. Card games are always great, and while we enjoy classics like Uno and Go Fish, my kids also love Sleeping Queens, Cover Your Assets, Spot It, Rhyme Out, Left Center Right, and Go Nuts for Donuts. All of these games are super portable and can easily be played anywhere. Need 1 player options? We love Q-Bitz Solo and Kanoodle.

Creative Items

I discovered PLUS PLUS Blocks a few years ago and almost always have them in my bag now. They entertain kids of all ages and I love that they are tiny and can be quickly put back in their tube when play is over. These blocks also come in a variety of colors and quantities. So fun! Note: these are recommended for ages 5+ as they are small and can be a choking hazard. Wikki Stix are another awesome portable activity and can inspire a lot of creativity.

Drawing and Stickers

One of my kids’ most used activity items is the amazing Boogie Board! We have quite a collection of these and they are perfect for on-to-go. Kids can draw, play tic-tac-toe, and write on them, and I love that they are mess-free. Another great option, especially for the toddler and preschool crowd, is Water Wow! Books. My kids also love these Melissa & Doug Reusable Sticker Sets and Make-A-Face Sticker Pads.

The Art Pouch

Sometimes, good old fashioned pencil and paper is the best entertainment for kids. I like to keep a cute pouch filled with small notepads, colored and regular pencils, a pencil sharpener, crayons, pens, and stickers. My kids are usually happy to just draw. When they get artist’s block, I will encourage them to use stickers and write stories.


I’m so grateful all my kids love to read and usually have a book with them at all times. However, I like to keep extra books in my bag that I know will hold their interest. Graphic novels are always great, but other great options include these Pocket Genius books, a good joke book, and any choice from National Geographic like Weird But True.


When all else fails, conversation with your kids can keep both them and you entertained. Ask them about their day, who they sat beside at lunch or played with at recess, and what they are enjoying at school. If you need some prompts, these Table Topics cards are a great way to get conversation flowing, especially when you’re out to eat.

With some of these Tech-Free Entertainment Ideas up your sleeve, or in your bag, you can keep your kids entertained and busy without technology. These are all great options that don’t take up a lot of space in that cute bag of yours but will keep you and your little ones engaged.