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3 Easy New Year’s Goals That Will Have a Lasting Impact

Despite new years goals getting a bad rap for not being followed through on, it’s still better to have some than not. After all, you won’t achieve them unless you make it a priority too, and the first step is to set them. Check out these three easy new year’s goals for 2020 that can have a lasting impact.

Now, we aren’t talking about “I want to make $50 million this year” when you are currently only making $50,000 type of goals. We are talking about new year’s goals that are easily attainable, yet can have a positive lasting impact on your life, for years to come. Also, we included a link to a company that you can use as a method to achieve each goal. So read on for three easy New Year’s goals in 2020 that will make a lasting impact on your life.

Increase Your Worth to the Job Market

Now if you are making $50,000 a year and like the idea of making $50 million, this is hard to do in one year. However, there is something you can do to make more than your current salary. Increase your worth to the job market and your current employer. Right now you are most likely getting paid the average of what you think you are worth and your employer thinks you are worth.

How can you increase your worth? One option is to go back to graduate school and get a higher degree. This comes with a very expensive price tag which translates to more debt.

Fortunately, there is Udemy. Here you can acquire in-demand skills via online courses taught by real-world professionals. Some course examples are Quickbooks tutorials consisting of topics like account setup, payroll, inventory, reconciliation, and courses to help you improve your Microsoft Office skills.

Our recommended tool to Increase Your Worth to the Job Market is Udemy.

Improve Your Credit Score

Boring, maybe, valuable, absolutely. If you already have a credit score greater than 720, kudos to you, you already have what is considered an “excellent” score. Keep up the good work.

For the rest of us, there are a few things to focus on that will help us get our credit on track and improving.

First and foremost, the most important thing to do when trying to improve your credit score is to get your credit report. The good news is, it’s free and easy to access with companies like Credit Sesame. Read over your report, and look a the factors that affect your score and read the recommendations to improve your factor ratings.

The second most important thing you need to do is simply pay off your debt. Make a list of all your debt, and how much income you have each month to make payments on it. If you don’t have enough income you may want to consider getting help with debt consolidation and debt relief.

Our recommended tool to Improve Your Credit Score is Credit Sesame.

Stay on Top of Your Personal Finances

Being in control of your finances and subsequently in control of your life is very empowering. But, to be in control of your life in today’s world, you must be in control of your finances. Being in control of your finances consists of many things, that all really boil down to one concept: self-discipline. The discipline to follow and stay within your budget, not rack up extra credit card debt and know when to decided it’s time to stay in, eat leftovers and watch Netflix.

Some of use are really self-disciplined and are probably already in control of their finances. For those of us who could benefit from a little personal coaching, there is an app called Cleo. Cleo is an app that uses AI to help you look after your money, budget, save and track your spending. You can even ask Cleo questions like: “what’s my balance” or “can I afford a coffee”, and she’ll do the calculations instantly and tell you.

Our recommended tool to Stay On Top of Your Personal Finances is Cleo.

These New Year’s goals for 2020 are a starting place to help you maximize the next year. Good luck, and happy new year!