Entertainment Funny Tweets From People Watching Their Partner Work at Home With the kids homeschooling now and even adults working from home, our lives are overlapping in ways that they never have before. Parent’s respect... BodenMarch 31, 2020
Entertainment Unbelievable Mortifying Moments My Comedian of a Kid Put Me Through Adulting is tough enough as it is. Adding a toddler or grade-school aged son to the equation meant having some pretty challenging situations. Luckily,... BodenFebruary 18, 2020
Entertainment 25 Hilarious Memes Mocking the 10 Year Challenge 2019 has been a roller coaster all by itself. But when we look back over the last decade it’s surprising how far we as... BodenDecember 27, 2019
Entertainment 40 Brilliant People Who Figured Out How to Pet Proof Their Christmas Trees Who doesn’t love a beautifully decorated Christmas tree? All the time and effort put into decorating. The ornaments and lights placed just right. A... December 21, 2019
Entertainment Absolutely Hilarious Christmas Memes Christmas and this time of year are magical, people have an extra pep in their step and twinkle in their eye. From holiday parties... December 14, 2019
Entertainment Ridiculous Holiday Photos That Are Really Just Wins Ah the holidays. Its a magical time of the year when families come together (sometimes by brute force) to bond, open unwanted gifts and... andrewDecember 13, 2019
Entertainment 30 Vintage Photos Of Parenting That Would Not Fly Today The way parents used to discipline and interact with their children is something that we don’t really see now-a-days. The recent modern approach of... BodenSeptember 23, 2019
Entertainment 27 Hilarious Texts From Mom Parents send some of those funniest, most ridiculous texts sometimes! See what these moms sent to their kids 😉 BodenApril 26, 2019
Entertainment Savage Holiday Photos That Are Really Just Wins Ah the holidays. Its a magical time of the year when families come together (sometimes by brute force) to bond, open unwanted gifts and... December 20, 2018
Entertainment 12 Meme Costumes for Halloween or Any Costume Party This Year There are plenty of opportunities to dress as your favorite meme this year. From Sorry to This Man to Kombucha Girl, here are 12... BodenOctober 31, 2018