Which of These 5 Styles of Leadership Should You Be Using?

Transformational Leadership


Transformational leadership is another positive form of leadership. Usually, this style is used when corrections need to be made in a company.

The first step in the transformational process is identifying the problem and what needs to change. The leader may speak with all the employees to gain a full understanding of the problem. They then work with the employees to create a vision of what could be possible if things changed. With the support of at least some of the workers, they can then work to implement positive changes. This can be especially effective because the employees understand that the changes are being made with a purpose and they have a shared goal they can buy into and work together to achieve. They feel seen and heard and supported by the leadership.

What’s challenging about this type of leadership is that it can be difficult to pull off. If the leader is unable to convince the employees to buy into their vision, they will struggle to implement the desired changes without resorting to a more autocratic or transactional form of leadership.

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