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The Top 6 Ways to Make Fitness Walking a Way of Life

With a never-ending to-list and not enough hours in the day, it can be tough to make walking for fitness a priority. And that is especially true for moms. But with some simple changes, you can make fitness walking a way of life. Get a much-needed break, spend quality time with a loved one, or even volunteer while you’re at it. Here are the best ways to get started.

  1. Walk Instead of Driving

Think of all the different places you need to go in the average week, such as the post office and the bank. Check out Google Maps and find out how far the walking distance is in miles from your home or workplace. Then, set yourself a radius limit like a half mile or one mile. Only walk to those places that fall within the radius, instead of driving. You may find your to-do list is a lot more “walkable” than you ever realized.

  1. Slay the Slump

Do you always get that pesky 4 p.m. energy dip each day? It’s all too easy to hit the vending machine or coffee shop for a quick boost when it happens. Instead, head outside for a short walk. Despite what you may think, fitness walking will increase your energy, not drain it.

So, give it a try for at least three days this week. You may find it works even better than a cup of java at getting you through the rest of the day. Soon, you’ll “crave” your walk instead of that afternoon treat.

  1. Master Multi-Tasking

Do you feel bad about taking “me” time to walk when there’s so much to do? Think of everything you can do on your phone while you’re putting one foot in front of the other at the track. Schedule that doctor appointment that you’ve been putting off lately.

Call that friend you have been meaning to catch up with, too. By doing something else during your walk, the sense of accomplishment will make you more likely to get moving the next time you get the chance to.

  1. Make Your Way to the Mall

If you think mall walking is just for senior citizens, think again. Mall walking has become so popular that some malls have clubs that include treats like earning points for discounts at mall stores or free juice or water. Mall walking is a great way to get your walk in despite the weather, too. Whether it’s hot and humid or chilly and icy, you can still exercise.

If you’re just starting out, get some window shopping in as you stroll. If you’re a more seasoned walker, walk at a brisk pace while pumping your arms at a 90-degree angle so you can get your heart rate up.

  1. Find a Fitness Walking Buddy

Who says fitness walking has to be a solitary activity? Walking is a great way for you to spend time with your best friend or significant other. Heading out together for a healthy stroll will keep you close and give you time to talk one-on-one.

Or, why not hit the street with your dog? Your best friend will love an extra walk. Don’t have a dog of your own? Consider volunteering at an animal shelter. You’ll feel great from getting exercise and doing a good deed all in one fell swoop.

  1. Get Your Gear Ready

Last, being ready to walk whenever the opportunity arises is a way to make it happen. So make a point to keep a bag of your walking stuff close to the door. That way, you won’t need to run around the house hunting for your walking shoes or a sweatshirt.

And, by the way, make sure those sneaks are suitable. Less-than-comfy shoes will make the most well-intentioned walker stay put. So shop for a pair that fits your feet perfectly and doesn’t cause painful problems like blisters.

These are the top six ways to make fitness walking a way of life. Adopt one or two each week for the following month, and you can be well on your way to better fitness. It doesn’t have to be difficult or boring to walk your way to a healthy weight. With these tips, you can begin with ease.