9 Tips from Teachers for Parents Now Homeschooling

9. Record yourself giving any and all directions so you don’t lose your voice

Because trust me, you will repeat yourself 10,000 times. Even if you wait for silence and eye contact to indicate they are listening. Alright, I suppose you have fewer students than your average teacher, so you probably will only repeat yourself about 5,000 times.

Before you start panicking, don’t worry, it’s not all bad! Teachers do love your children- in spite of this advice, we wouldn’t trade our jobs for all the money in the world. Because even though children are often an enigma, the look on their faces when they tell you about their favorite activity, finally get a tricky concept, or get really excited about learning, is totally worth it. Thanks for reading my 9 Tips from Teachers for Parents Now Homeschooling, I hope they help!

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