25 of the Most Creepiest Places on Earth

Photo Courtesy: [Roshnis89/Pixabay]

  1. Torture Museum, Italy

The Museum of Medieval Torture in San Gimignano, Italy, is infamous worldwide for the shocking historic objects it displays. Tour the best and worst of medieval torture devices. And you’ll even find instructional drawings and descriptions of how they used them. So you’ve got to have a strong stomach for this one.

Photo Courtesy: [Chad W/Wikipedia]

  1. Beelitz Sanatorium, Germany

Beelitz Sanatorium is a now-abandoned complex of hospital buildings. What it is arguably most known for is being the place Nazi ruler Adolf Hitler recuperated after the Battle of the Somme. Since then, it has bet the set for various films, including The Pianist, attracting history buffs and fright seekers alike.

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