25 of the Most Creepiest Places on Earth

Photo Courtesy: [Port Arthur/Wikipedia]

  1. Port Arthur, Australia

This former prison colony is the site of the Port Arthur massacre of 1996. It was Australia’s worst massacre in modern history. A total of 35 people were killed and 23 wounded by the mentally disturbed gunman, Martin Bryant. Immediately following the event, Australia modified its gun laws to prevent such incidents in the future.

Photo Courtesy: [Davis Staedtler/Flickr]

  1. The Bone Church, Czech Republic

The Sedlec Ossuary, also known as The Bone Church, is a Roman Catholic chapel famous for the thousands of human skulls and bones adorning its walls. It contains garlands of skulls, along with a central chandelier containing every bone in the human body. One of the most creepiest places imaginable, it welcomes 200,000 brave tourists annually.

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