20 Amazing Historical Photos That Might Make You Look At The Past Differently

Survivors of the Titanic Board the Carpathia – 1912


The casualties of the Titanic sinking were enormous and diastrous, with over 1500 people losing their lives. Those that did survive were cast into the sea, and if they were lucky enough, they found themselves on lifeboats that were ultimately rescued by the Carpathia. Pictured here are just some of the survivors.

Work Men Paint the Eiffel Tower – 1932

However much these men were paid, it can certainly be said that it was not enough. This remarkable image depicts several workmen painting the Eiffel Tower, in a time where health and safety regulations were not so stringent (or even existent!). Incredibly, of the 250 men who worked on the tower, not one of them died during the building process.

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