Why Wait to Spring Clean When You Can Do It Now?

With all you have to do as a parent, it is easy to push aside those home projects and say you’ll get to them when you “spring clean.” But why wait to spring clean when you can do it now? Here are five things you can cross off your to-do list this winter when the weather makes you want to stay inside. That way, when spring finally arrives, you’ll have more time to enjoy the great outdoors.

Empty Your Linen Closet

Go through those towels, dishcloths, mismatched pillowcases and sheets and give them some TLC. Wash what you haven’t used in while and refold items that have been shuffled too many times. Bag up bedspreads for the warmer months to keep them clean and donate anything you no longer need. And if they are too worn to donate, consider giving those old torn bedspreads and towels to your local animal shelter.

Clear Out Your Pantry and Freezer

Look over your kitchen food reserves and meal plan around what is going to expire soon. Use what has been in the freezer too long or is taking up too much space. Take unneeded or unwanted items to a local food bank for donation. Repackage and label any “mystery” foods, spices and other items, too.

Tackle Your Storage Space

You’ve pulled out boxes of ornaments and winter clothes already, so whether it’s the entryway, attic or garage, take the time to organize your storage area before you put it all back. This helps keep your items and home in good condition. Also, it is much more comfortable to do a big job like this before the summer heat comes back around.

Clean Under Your Sinks

Go through what is under your kitchen and bathroom sink and scrub the surfaces down. Replace cupboard liners to prevent water damage. Also, remove any products that could become harmful with age, such as heavy or potent cleaning products.

Go Through Your Medicine Cabinet

Remember, medications and vitamins have an expiration date for a reason. Last season’s cold and flu tablets may not be okay to take this time around. Safely dispose of any prescription medication you no longer need. Make sure to store anything you ingest in a sanitary manner.

Even the best of us can overlook those annual household chores, but by doing them at least once a year, you’ll extend the life of your items. By doing these five things to spring clean, you’ll keep your home safer and donate to others in need.

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